Friday, 25 May 2012

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Posted: 25 May 2012 07:40 PM PDT
Immortal Dusk v1.0.1 Modded / Offline
Requirements: 2.1+
Overview: Infinite Mobile Action RPG

What if your fate was sealed and death was your only salvation?
Born of noble descent, you are destined to protect the world from utter annihilation.

Take the journey through knighthood as you train for the ultimate battle that will determine the fate of the world. Introducing a new concept in class-based combat, Immortal Dusk will have you at the edge of your seat as you battle monsters and complete quests in this endless action RPG.


Immerse yourself in non-stop fantasy action as endless challenges await

Delve into a high stimulating storyline and side quests that twist and turn as the mysteries of a secret world unfold

Unending challenges, leveling up options and weapons customizations will leave you playing for hours

Immersive retro game play in an apocalyptic world delivers raw joy with every blow

Relive what traditional RPG feels like through skill building against monsters and enemies in this fantasy world

What's in this version:
- Minor bugs fixed
Your ratings keeps us motivated to produce upcoming updates to make our games even better!
Contact GAMEVIL Inc. @
Tips & Tricks: Gamevil Live
Facebook: GAMEVIL | Facebook
Twitter: GAMEVIL® USA, Inc. (@GAMEVIL) op Twitter
YouTube: gamevil - YouTube

More Info:

Download Instructions:
Unlimited free file storage and free file hosting
Posted: 25 May 2012 04:16 PM PDT
WhatsApp Messenger v2.6.95 S60V3/V5/S^3/Anna/Belle [Update 24/05/12] - Cross Platform IM Applications

WhatsApp Messenger is a cross-platform mobile messaging app which allows you to exchange messages without having to pay for SMS. WhatsApp Messenger is available for iPhone, BlackBerry, Android and Nokia and yes, those phones can all message each other! Because WhatsApp Messenger uses the same internet data plan that you use for email and web browsing, there is no cost to message and stay in touch with your friends.

Minimum requirements:
Unlimited internet data plan!


- Unavalaible At The Moment

Posted: 25 May 2012 04:16 PM PDT
WhatsApp Messenger v2.6.95 S60V3/V5/S^3/Anna/Belle [Update 24/05/12] - Cross Platform IM Applications

WhatsApp Messenger is a cross-platform mobile messaging app which allows you to exchange messages without having to pay for SMS. WhatsApp Messenger is available for iPhone, BlackBerry, Android and Nokia and yes, those phones can all message each other! Because WhatsApp Messenger uses the same internet data plan that you use for email and web browsing, there is no cost to message and stay in touch with your friends.

Minimum requirements:
Unlimited internet data plan!


- Unavalaible At The Moment

Posted: 25 May 2012 04:16 PM PDT
MrAlshahawy Belle Extra Buttons v1.03(0) S^3 Belle Unsigned Retail ene49 CepTeam

Belle Extra Buttons places two additional buttons on the toolbar of the homescreen and applications grid.
Belle Extra Buttons supports both Landscape and portrait mode.

You can select between:
- Lock / Restart button
(Restart phone on long press).
- Battery level / Power Saving
Mode button (Activate / Deactivate Power Saving Mode on long press).
-Task switcher / Close open
apps button (Close all open
applications on long press).

1. Assing build-in function when making ıcon press on expandable button.
2. Added two new functions: new contact new message.
3. An indicator to quickly show/hide extra button.
4. Fixed the bug of extra buttons being visible when virtual keyboard is active.
5. Icons of built-in features enhanced to be as belle icons.

Retail and share ene49



Posted: 25 May 2012 04:16 PM PDT
MrAlshahawy Belle Extra Buttons v1.03(0) S^3 Belle Unsigned Retail ene49 CepTeam

Belle Extra Buttons places two additional buttons on the toolbar of the homescreen and applications grid.
Belle Extra Buttons supports both Landscape and portrait mode.

You can select between:
- Lock / Restart button
(Restart phone on long press).
- Battery level / Power Saving
Mode button (Activate / Deactivate Power Saving Mode on long press).
-Task switcher / Close open
apps button (Close all open
applications on long press).

1. Assing build-in function when making ıcon press on expandable button.
2. Added two new functions: new contact new message.
3. An indicator to quickly show/hide extra button.
4. Fixed the bug of extra buttons being visible when virtual keyboard is active.
5. Icons of built-in features enhanced to be as belle icons.

Retail and share ene49

Posted: 25 May 2012 04:16 PM PDT
Requirements: for Android version 2.1 and higher, supports App2SD
Overview: They might call you an enforcer, or an assassin. Call it what you like - you're a CONTRACT KILLER.

Pulled into a world of bounty hunters, mobsters and criminals, you must check in with your contacts and accept SECRET MISSIONS that only you can handle. Select your WEAPON OF CHOICE from an inventory of sniper rifles, assault rifles and machine guns. Locate your target, zoom in, take aim and GO FOR THE HEADSHOT to earn cold hard cash. You might eliminate a crime boss and escape without being spotted, or you might walk straight into an AMBUSH...

Posted: 25 May 2012 04:16 PM PDT

The POGO landscape dock for the Galaxy Nexus is back in stock at Samsung’s official store, for those interested in dropping a cool $90 for a nightstand mate. We reviewed this dock back in February when it first surfaced, so if you are in the market for a stand, we suggest you check it out. I will warn you that $90 is about $60 above what this dock is probably worth. It charges your phone using the 3-pin connector and that’s about it.*
Click here to view the embedded video.
Cheers garbagedick and Mike!

Posted: 25 May 2012 04:16 PM PDT

According to a report out of the Wall Street Journal, RIM is no longer looking to license its BlackBerry Messenger client to other platforms and will instead focus on creating additional features for it while pushing BlackBerry 10 and new devices. This move comes as somewhat of a shocker to many, as purported pictures of the service running on Android devices have appeared a couple of times now. There have also been countless rumors over the last year which suggested that RIM may try to leverage the popularity of the service to make some money for the company as their sales and market share continue to fall off cliffs.
My thoughts? Who cares. RIM had a chance to port this service over to Android and iOS a couple of years ago when it actually was still popular, but failed to do so. It’s just another sign of a company that may no longer be with us in a couple of years – one that has made the wrong move over and over again.
Seriously ask yourself, would you all of a sudden switch your messaging life over to BBM should it launch on Android today? You have lived without it for years now, is it really an app that you need to survive? Had RIM made the move to license it back in 2009 when everyone was migrating from BlackBerry devices over to Android and iPhones, it would have been a big deal. Now, not so much.
Via: *WSJ

Posted: 25 May 2012 04:16 PM PDT

Over the last year or so, Comcast released a couple of XFINITY apps that were nothing more than glorified TV guides or DVR managers. The one feature that would have actually made them useful on a regular basis, ON Demand streaming, was left out. That is until today. Comcast pushed the XFINITY TV Player app to the Play store, giving customers access to all of their favorite shows from anywhere in the world. It works over WiFi or a data connection, and does it flawlessly. I fired up the app for a few minutes and was watching old Eastbound & Down videos within seconds. Thanks, Comcast.
Play Link

Posted: 25 May 2012 04:16 PM PDT

According to a handful of reports, the Pebble Blue version (pictured above) of the Samsung Galaxy SIII has been delayed due to manufacturing issues. Samsung has apparently run into either quality or production problems and may have had to adjust the product, causing them to be behind as launch day quickly approaches. With the launch of the device happening in a variety of countries next week, the white model is likely to be the only one available until Samsung can catch up on production.
This is indeed unfortunate as the Pebble Blue version of this phone is by far the more appealing of the two (at least in our opinions). Its fake brushed metal look is quite beautiful as compared to the white, which we have seen time and time again on other Samsung products.
We took the blue model for a spin back at CTIA, be sure to check it out.*
Via: *Tweakers | XDA |*Android Community

Posted: 25 May 2012 04:16 PM PDT

Click here to view the embedded video.
Listen to the article:
When Steve Jobs unveiled the orig*i*nal iPad it was hailed as a con*tent con*sump*tion device. Most of the people that I know that own a tablet use it almost exclusively to consume content, not to create it. Despite the heavy empha*sis on con*sump*tion, pub*lish*ers have strug*gled to get smart*phone and tablet own*ers to pay for con*tent on their devices.
This struggle between publishers and readers is as old as the Internet. The Inter*net set a new stan*dard for con*tent with most web*sites pub*lish*ing articles for free with ads lin*ing the sides of the web*site. Even*tu*al*ly publishers used pay*walls to force read*ers to pay for a sub*scrip*tion or a one time fee to read an arti*cle in its entire*ty. Read*ers who had become accus*tomed to free con*tent moved on to other sources or looked for ways to get the article for free. The iPad was sup*posed to be the medi*um with which pub*lish*ers would be able to charge for con*tent again, but as Jason Pon*tin of Technology Review explains, the cost of app devel*op*ment and lim*it*ed read*er response made the iPad an ille*git*i*mate mes*si*ah of pub*lish*ing.
Pon*tin con*cludes that since the iPad and News*stand failed to attract sub*scribers, the web must be the future of pub*lish*ing, not apps. I'm con*vinced that Pon*tin is wrong. Pub*lish*ers made two vital errors with dig*i*tal pub*lish*ing: first, apps should not be treat*ed as a mag*a*zine replace*ment and second, peo*ple shouldn't be forced to pay for con*tent that they don’t want. If pub*lish*ers and Google can work togeth*er to cor*rect these errors, togeth*er they can save dig*i*tal mag*a*zines and news*pa*pers.*
From songs to films to writ*ing, peo*ple have found a way to get dig*i*tal con*tent for free. All it takes is one pirate and a dis*tri*b*u*tion net*work to dis*trib*ute media freely. Despite so many options to steal mate*r*i*al, con*tent dis*tri*b*u*tion sources like iTunes, rdio, Net*flix, and Google Play have mil*lions of users who pay for con*tent. The prob*lem isn't that peo*ple don't want to pay for con*tent, but that peo*ple want to pay for good con*tent in an attrac*tive medi*um.
Many pub*lish*ers made the fool*ish mis*take of think*ing that peo*ple want*ed dig*i*tal con*tent to be iden*ti*cal to a mag*a*zine. Sure, most tablets are rough*ly the size of a mag*a*zine, but that doesn't mean that read*ers want to look at dig*i*tal pages that were formatted for a magazine. Read*ers want the qual*i*ty of mag*a*zine con*tent in a new medi*um.
Pon*tin men*tions that var*i*ous screen sizes, res*o*lu*tions, and ori*en*ta*tions made design*ing con*tent for tablets and phones dif*fi*cult. These issues should have been obvi*ous from the start because tablets and smart*phones aren't mag*a*zines. If pub*lish*ers want to con*trol how the con*tent looks then they should design the apps for cer*tain form fac*tors and restrict ori*en*ta*tions. If they don’t want to be that restrictive, they should design the con*tent to be mal*leable to var*i*ous form fac*tors, ori*en*ta*tions, and res*o*lu*tions (like the web).
Of course the larg*er issue fac*ing pub*lish*ers isn't nec*es*sar*i*ly the medi*um, but how to get peo*ple to pay for con*tent. Devel*op*ing a way for read*ers to see con*tent in a beau*ti*ful envi*ron*ment costs a lot of time and money, so pub*lish*ers want to ensure that they'll get a decent return on their invest*ment.*On the web this was solved with ads, but ads have a nasty ten*den*cy of becom*ing intru*sive. Popup block*ers have pushed adver*tis*ers to cre*ate ads that roll out on top of a website with hid*den close but*tons. Often these are impos*si*ble to close on a mobile device, mak*ing the con*tent unread*able. Savvy read*ers might turn to an RSS read*er or page saver like Instapa*per, but most will prob*a*bly just move on out of frus*tra*tion.
Apple tried to pro*vide a uni*fied solu*tion for digital magazines and newspapers with News*stand, but the lack of inno*va*tion in News*stand led to its poor adop*tion. Every iOS user has prob*a*bly opened News*stand upon dis*cov*er*ing that it can*not be hidden away into a fold*er. Per*haps Apple thought that being restric*tive like that would encour*age users to try out the app; I have a feel*ing it just turned users off. To make mat*ters worse, once News*stand is opened every paper and mag*a*zine is list*ed as free, but dig*ging fur*ther reveals the same tired month*ly sub*scrip*tion options that no one wants.
This is where Google’s new subscription option in the Play Store could save magazines and newspapers. The key to under*stand*ing how to get peo*ple to pay for con*tent is to under*stand that people like choice. Though pub*lish*ers want read*ers to pur*chase a sub*scrip*tion to a pack*age of con*tent (like music labels want lis*ten*ers to buy whole albums), users don't want to pay for con*tent they don't want. The web has con*di*tioned users to expect an option to pur*chase indi*vid*ual pieces of con*tent, not a whole pack*age. Peo*ple don't visit web*sites to read every arti*cle, they visit them to read the arti*cles that inter*est them. Like it or not, the web has spoiled users into believ*ing that they deserve choice.
Google is the company that built out the web for most people. Without Google Search, the Internet wouldn’t be what it is today. Google Search allowed people to find what they wanted. Because Google has consistently been about offering its users choice, I think Google is best poised to talk publishers into rethinking subscriptions.
If pub*lish*ers were to accept the idea that people should only pay for what they want, the prob*lem then becomes how to dis*trib*ute and price indi*vid*ual arti*cles. Apps like Read*abil*i*ty have tried to help pub*lish*ers by collecting sub*scrip*tion money from read*ers on behalf of the pub*lish*ers. This idea isn't a bad one, *but I think users would be more comfortable paying for content through Google instead of through a third party app. Google should build in support for magazine and newspaper subscriptions in Google Current, but allow users to pay for individual articles as well as subscribe to whole magazines or newspapers.*Google could still help pub*lish*ers by offer*ing free sub*scrip*tions that are sub*si*dized by adver*tise*ments and paid sub*scrip*tions for a num*ber of arti*cles instead of whole news*pa*pers or mag*a*zines so that read*ers have one place to go for read*ing instead of multiple websites or apps. Either way, pub*li*ca*tions would be get*ting paid money that they're miss*ing out on now.
The web as we know it isn't the future of pub*lish*ing, but nei*ther are indi*vid*ual apps for each pub*li*ca*tion. Peo*ple are look*ing for con*tent in apps because unlike the web, apps are designed from the ground up to work on mobile devices. The soon*er pub*lish*ers real*ize that the future is mobile and that peo*ple want per*son*al*ized con*tent, not gen*er*al*ized con*tent, they soon*er they'll be able to put out a prod*uct that peo*ple want to pay for.
If any company would rally behind the idea that users should only pay for what they want, I think it would be Google. Google partners with OEMs every year to ensure that there are a plethora of Android handsets to meet a wide variety of tastes and needs. Google built a search engine with the idea that free access to the information you want is a good thing. Google Plus was designed from the ground up to put you in control of what you share and who you share it with. In short, Google is a company that is all about giving its users what they want. It’s that sort of attitude that can save magazines and newspapers.

Posted: 25 May 2012 04:16 PM PDT

Owners of the Sony Xperia PLAY across the globe, you will not be receiving the update to Ice Cream Sandwich. Sony confirmed in a blog post today that it would be difficult to update the device and keep a consistent and stable gaming experience. Part of their final decision was determined after they received feedback from the developer community who tested an ICS beta ROM. Sorry to spread bad news as we head into a holiday weekend.
We have updated our official Ice Cream Sandwich Update List.
Via: *Sony Mobile

Posted: 25 May 2012 04:16 PM PDT

We have been following Project Glass as closely as we can after the Google X team introduced to the world back in early April. Since that first video of what it could look like*surfaced, we have seen actual prototypes in the wild on some of our favorite tech characters. This week though, we received the most up-close and personal look yet, thanks to a photo walk that a group of Googlers went on. Rather than use cameras the entire time, each*member*of the posse was given a pair of Google Glasses to wear.*
As you can see from the pictures below, the prototypes are now coming in more than just that original black pair that we have seen a number of times. The photo walkers had blue and orange sets as well. Aside from colors, we have some close-ups of the mini screen which you can definitely spot things happening on as people peer into them. It’s tough to make out what is there, but in multiple shots, we have screen action.
Aside from that we have the picture directly below that shows them off-head, in all their glory. I see a microUSB port, a massive housing at the back-end for what must be the battery, and the fact that they are “Not FCC Approved.” The last thing you’ll notice in most of the shots is the dedicated camera button on the top of the glasses that everyone seems to be pushing. After all, this was a photo walk.

Video Sample (taken with the glasses):

Click here to view the embedded video.
Via: *Google+*[2]

Posted: 25 May 2012 02:07 PM PDT

Requirements: 2.1+
Overview: The most interesting game RRC on IOS now comes to Android!

The game is also ridiculously simple and addictive. It has filled millions of those interstitial moments spent riding the bus, on a plane or in important work meetings, and it is or has been the number-one free app on iTunes in 139 countries.
And it's FREE! Go download it!
Who said chickens can't fly?! Make them flap their tiny wings! Journey through beautiful hills to help little chickens find their moms. Use the one-finger touch play to jump, until this annoying gravity brings you back down to earth.
- Incredibly simple and addictive gameplay.
- Dazzling hi-res graphics
- Acquire new "Power-Ups" to use special skills

Download Instructions:

Posted: 25 May 2012 02:07 PM PDT

Requirements: 2.1+
Overview: GET THIS GAME NOW! AD-FREE for a limited time!

You think you're tough? Let's see how long you last! You fare against a living tide of brain-hungering zombies. Rip them to shreds, grind them to fine paste, blast them to pieces, burn them to a crisp... slaughter all zombies that come across you! You are the only one that can stop these zombies, strike them with all weapons, including air strike.
Choose your zombie killer, get those weapons and smash those zombies! The meaner you get, the better you´ll play. Get ready to experience a really awesome game with amazing graphics, cool sounds and effects, and excellent music!

Game Features:
- 4 Zombie Killers, 2 more coming soon!
- Weapons: Machete, shot gun, rifle, Uzi, ak47, minigun, sniper rifle, pistol, granade, bazooka
- Weapon upgrades feature
- Amazing graphics, cool sounds, excellent music

Download Instructions:


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